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Week 7 Video Response

Week 7 Video Response

Q ASSIGNMENT: View the video of Momix (a dance company) in a Rhombus Media film of Mussorgsky's Pictures at an Exhibition and write a Video Response. VIEW: Go to Week 6 for the video link. The full performance is separated into 3 YouTube clips. Watch all three. Total ~32 minutes. Performance contains brief nudity. WRITE: Your Video Response should include a few sentences (bullet points are fine, if you prefer) on each of the following questions. Please answer questions 1-5 in the following order: 1. A brief description of Mussorgsky. Who was he? Why did he compose Pictures at an Exhibition? 2. A brief description of Momix. 3. A description of what you saw. What are the choreographer and film-maker trying to do in this piece? 4. What are the different fine arts you see represented in the video? Discuss why you think these different art forms work well - or don't work well - together. 5. Choose one section of the video to describe using one of the Elements of Visual Art or Principles of Design. Submit on Canvas before midnight on Friday, 3/19. Rubric Video Response Assignment Video Response Assignment Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeHEADING Include the title of the piece, choreographer's name, dance company name, composer's name, and musical group's name. 5 pts Meets Expectations 3 pts Partially Meets Expectations 0 pts Does Not Meet Expectations 5 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCOMPOSER INFO Include A brief description of Mussorgsky. Who was he? Why did he compose Pictures at an Exhibition? 15 pts Meets Expectations 9 pts Partially Meets Expectations 0 pts Does Not Meet Expectations 15 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCHOREOGRAPHER INFO Briefly describe Momix. 15 pts Meets Expectations 9 pts Partially Meets Expectations 0 pts Does Not Meet Expectations 15 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOBSERVATIONS Include a description of what you saw. What are the choreographer and film-maker trying to do in this piece? 20 pts Meets Expectations 12 pts Partially Meets Expectations 0 pts Does Not Meet Expectations 20 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMULTIMEDIA Describe the different fine arts you see represented in the video. Discuss why you think these different art forms work well - or don't work well - together. 20 pts Meets Expectations 12 pts Partially Meets Expectations 0 pts Does Not Meet Expectations 20 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCRITIQUE Choose one section of the video to describe using one of the Elements of Visual Art or Principles of Design. 20 pts Meets Expectations 12 pts Partially Meets Expectations 0 pts Does Not Meet Expectations 20 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEDIT Assignment should be free of errors in punctuation, capitalization, grammar, and spelling. 5 pts Meets Expectations 3 pts Partially Meets Expectations 0 pts Does Not Meet Expectations 5 pts Total Points: 100

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Pictures at an Exhibition by Modest Mussoorgsky, performed by The Momix, choreographed by Moses Pendleton. 1. Mussorgsky was a Russion composer, he was an innovator of Russian music during the romantic period. He composed Pictures at an Exhibition because he considered it a memorial to his friend Viktor Hartmannwho died in 1873. It was composed in 1874 and was written in 10 movements based on Viktor’s paintings. 2. The Momix is a company of dancer illusionists founded by Moses Pendleton. It was founded in 1981. The dances focus on beauty in all forms.